4 Keys To Great Onboarding As You Scale

4 Keys To Great Onboarding As You Scale

You’re growing!

This means hiring more people which is exciting!

And also risky…

Hire the wrong people or don’t equip them properly and it could be a big setback.

I’ve onboarded hundreds of people in different roles at different stages and company size. There’s a few things I’ve seen work well whether you’re hiring 2 or 200 people per month.

Here are 4 strategies to scale your onboarding process, maintain a strong culture, and empower your people to do great work!

1. Same Day Start

This is going to sound obvious but it took me, like, 3 years to figure out.

Have new hires all start on the same day.

First Monday of the month. Or first and third Monday of the month. Whatever makes sense for your company.

Benefits of Same Day Start

  • New hires befriend each other! A natural support network makes starting a new job more fun and less stressful.
  • Onboarding gets WAY more efficient Example: HR only has to do 1 session every 2 weeks about benefits instead of a 30 minute one-off appointment for every hire.
  • Less negotiating on start date. Can’t start on the 1st? Great, start on the 14th. The end.
  • More cross-functional intermixing. New hires get to know people in other departments on day 1.


Have a few days of general onboarding that applies to everyone (department overviews, HR items, product demos) before breaking out into job-specific training.

2. Discuss Core Values

Want people to really understand the company values and culture?

Have a specific session where you go through each value and explain what it means with examples.

Make sure to incorporate Core Values throughout onboarding so new hires know you “walk the walk.”

Examples of Core Values During Onboarding

  • Give shout outs or prizes to new hires for embodying Core Values
  • Mention Values in training sessions, explaining how a process or philosophy ties to a Core Value
  • Distribute a Core Value cheat sheet
  • Ask new hires about Core Values examples they’ve seen
  • Align your onboarding with Core Values, e.g. do a service event to embody your Core Value about community.


The CEO/Founder is the best person to lead the conversation about Core Values! Do it over lunch or breakfast to keep the schedule manageable.

3. Onboarding Buddies

There are some questions you can’t ask your manager.

You’re new and trying to make a good impression.

You don’t want to bother them.

You know they mentioned something but can’t quite remember.

ENTER: the onboarding buddy!

Ideal Onboarding Buddy

  • on the same team, doing the same job
  • likes helping others, friendly and kind
  • at your company at least 6 months, ideally 12 or more


Onboarding buddy is a great role for someone asking for more responsibility, who thinks they may want to be a people manager, or who you want to test out as a people manager.

4. Keep It Live

Yes, your Customer Success manager is going to give the same 60 minute training every 2 weeks.

It’s tempting to record it, say “Watch this video!” and — 🎉 tada 🎉 —most efficient onboarding ever!

Here’s what I’ve seen…prerecorded videos are fine in small doses, if you miss a session, or for specific tasks.

But a mostly-video onboarding is REALLY BORING.

Oh, and also, NOT AS EFFECTIVE.

You miss out on the most important part — the ad-hoc, human interaction where learning and connection happen!

Live Training Benefits

News hires can…

  • Ask clarifying questions
  • Get context from a subject matter expert
  • Feel like they know the person leading the training. Great for rapport, future questions, and overall connection to the company.
  • Hear “the scoop” - what’s buggy, changing soon, or causes customer frustration


Trainings held via Zoom are okay! In-person is not always possible or preferred. Just don’t make someone watch too many recorded videos :)


Onboarding is a critical part of company growth.

You’ll always be tweaking and learning but laying a strong foundation for culture, connection, and strong job performance is key!

What other tips or strategies have you seen work well to scale employee onboarding?