4 Ways To Dominate Your 2022 Goals
The Journey
I love the process and journey of pursuing big things.
It’s goal setting. It’s planning. It’s incremental progress applied to all aspects of life.
We do it year-round but the start of a new year is a natural time to reflect and refocus.
Here are several specific strategies to lay a foundation for success for 2022 and harness the energy and motivation of the new year!
4 Ways To Dominate Your 2022 Goals
1. Focus on the specific, daily actions.
What is within your control, that you can execute daily, that will move you towards your goal?
Sometimes this is identified as Leading vs Lagging Indicators. In sports, you’ll hear Trust the Process.
Want to complete a marathon? Follow a workout plan with daily runs.
Want to be the top sales rep? Identify daily meeting goals to hit pipeline targets.
Work backwards from the end goal to understand what needs to happen monthly, weekly, and daily. Then focus on consistent, steady execution every day.
2. Keep it positive.
Human brains are weird. We hear “don’t do that” and it makes us want to immediately do that. Just ask my kids!
How do you work within our crazy brains? Flip it to what you can do.
Goal: Lose weight.
Positive framing: Eat more vegetables.
Goal: Decrease social media usage.
Positive framing: Call friends IRL.
Everyone likes MORE of something. How can you turn your goal into addition instead of subtraction?
3. Make time.
Time is our most valuable resource. And often the biggest obstacle to your positive, specific, actionable intentions.
You want to go to the gym 4 times per week. Cool.
You’re also working 50 hours per week, getting 6 hours of sleep, and have a 5am wake up to pack lunches, get ready, and commute.
You have a specific, positive daily action…BUT NO TIME TO DO IT.
How to ✨magically✨ create more time:
- STOP doing something that is a lower priority
- get HELP by asking, outsourcing, or paying for it
- make intentional TRADEOFFS
- BUNDLE with an existing activity
Get a weekly meal delivery service. Respond to emails in 48 hours instead of 24. Turn a work meeting into a walking catch up.
Get specific with your plan of “when” and how to realistically fit it in.
If you can’t find the time, that’s okay. That means you have other priorities. Acknowledge that and table the goal for now.
4. Read Atomic Habits.
Best. Book. Ever.
4.8 out of 5 stars from 50,000+ people so I’m not the only fangirl.
Comprehensive, clear, and actionable.
I had several eye-opening takeaways even though I “knew it all already.” (Lolz.)
Any #protips on dominating goals? Everyone is different! What’s been effective for you?
Reminder: If anyone needs help on specific daily actions, how to reframe something in the positive, or where to find time, shoot me a note. I love this stuff!