Life’s Greatest Shortcut

Life’s Greatest Shortcut

Learn by doing

“The most effective way to do is to do it.

It’s a favorite Amelia Earhart quote.

And life reminder.

I like to do pre-work. I clean my room before I study. I do laundry before I start projects. I manage my inbox before I eat the frog.

It took me a long-ass time to get this blog going. I was worried about the tag line, topics, tone. Am I funny? Serious? What do I write about?

All things b̶e̶s̶t̶ only figured out by actually writing.

Do the thing you want to do

You want to start a company? Don’t get an MBA, then join a startup, then be an investor. Just start a company.

You want to start a blog? You don’t need to learn to code, take a writing course, hire a branding expert. Just start a blog.

Experience is a great thing. You get experience as time passes. Isn’t it most helpful to get experience in the exact area you want experience??

The fastest way

When I ask my husband, a running coach, how to get better at running, he says, “Run.”

I want the answer to be:

  • work on running form
  • buy new shoes
  • eat more vegetables

Can’t I get good at running without running??? Pleeeeeease.

But there’s no substitute for lacing up your shoes and putting in the miles. Or sitting down and writing. Or launching your first business.

The only way is through.

The fastest way is through.

Shout out to iwantthatmountain, founded by Ashley Gattis, where I found the gorgeous Amelia Earhart quote. It’s in our kitchen so we see it every day.

How did Ashley start her company? By starting it ;)