PSA: You're Behind On Customer Gifts. Here's the Complete Guide!
tl;dr - Customer gifts take longer than you think. Here’s a timeline and questions, specific ideas, and lessons learned. Get employee gifts too!
The most important blog of the year.
Your annual reminder — and ultimate guide — to start on Customer (and Employee) Holiday Gifts!
But, Kathryn, you say. It’s barely October. Surely I have several more months.
No, my friend, you don’t. In fact, you may already be behind.
Luckily, as an experienced Customer Gift Procrastinator, I mean, Planner, I have you covered with:
- expected timeline
- strategy considerations
- lessons learned
- specific ideas
You can thank me later…with a not-crappy gift because you got such a head start on things!
1. Customer Gifts Timeline & Planning
Remember when I said you might be behind schedule?
It’s ONLY 9 WEEKS UNTIL BUSINESSES CLOSE FOR THE HOLIDAYS (not including Thanksgiving break).
Mrs. Claus is freaking out right now. But you don’t have to.
Check out the Customer Gifts Timeline Guide to see each step and how long to plan for each.
You’re going to start with strategic questions and some key considerations like:
- Why — customer gifts serve many purposes, what’s the top objective
- Who — which customers to send gifts to
- How Much — your budget (including shipping)
- What — what’s the right gift for your specific gift recipient
Then, you’ll rack your brain for good gift ideas.
But that’s where #2 comes in…
2. Customer Gift Guide: 7 Easy & Specific Ideas
Swag packs, cupcakes, branded fun stuff — lots of good ideas from specific companies here. (Or snag some ideas from our Employee Gift Guide.)
AND — since you’re ahead of schedule — you can even explore things like a collab with a favorite local brand or swanky custom items, like this program via West Elm.
What are your favorite items, businesses you want to support, or the best gifts you’ve ever gotten?
BUT WAIT — before you finalize and spend $100 per customer, you may want to review #3…
3. Lessons Learned From Real Customer Gifts
Turns out the thought really does count. Even with customers!
Here are my 3 most memorable customer gifting experiences — including mistakes made and the top gift of all time!
Here’s a teaser:
- $30 branded cookies vs $100 Amazon gift card
- Engineers like swear words
- Goat farm caramels
Spending more $$ does not necessarily mean a better gift.
GREAT NEWS for a startup budget! 🙌 🙌
4. Don’t Forget Your Employees!
Since you’re thinking about gifts and finding a high res version of your logo anyway…might as well take care of those employee holiday gifts too!
Here are 10 Employee Gift Ideas including free and remote-friendly options.
The holidays are a great time to create memories or fun traditions with your team or gift an item they’ll use frequently.
If you’ve seen my Rigor Yeti mug or Atlanta Ventures hoodie, you know that:
- I’m a tech cliche.
- I get lots of use out of great employee gifts!
If you’re thinking about “making memories” through a company holiday party ➡️
PSA #2 - Make reservations for company holiday parties YESTERDAY!!!! Slots fill up fast. Weekday pricing is more startup friendly than Fri or Sat 😉
Company holiday parties are a great time to include significant others or families as a thank you to them as well!
What’s your best advice for customer gifts? Any recs on specific vendors or items? Any lessons learned? Are you ahead of schedule this year?????