1 Sentence You Need To Read Before The Holidays
I don’t know who needs this but I’ve seen a few startups fail from founder burnout. I haven’t seen any startups fail because a founder took a couple of days off.
Read MoreI don’t know who needs this but I’ve seen a few startups fail from founder burnout. I haven’t seen any startups fail because a founder took a couple of days off.
Read MoreI don’t know who needs this but I’ve seen a few startups fail from founder burnout. I haven’t seen any startups fail because a founder took a couple of days off.
I love this advice from Alex Friedman (which is technically TWO sentences, you fact-checking, math geniuses!).
Wrap up the year, close the deal, get through key emails…and then close your laptop.
It is harder to take time off.
It takes more discipline, confidence, and focus to NOT work than to default to grind mode.
The difference between the elite and amateurs in triathlon (or any high level sport)?
How they handle the off-days.
Someone who is taking their rest seriously? Feet on the couch? Massage? Naps? Clearly a pro.
Someone who is sneaking in extra miles or saying, “I just can’t take time off” like a humble brag? Amateur hour.
Trust the process. Trust yourself.
I know you can do it!
Have an amazing holiday, pour into your loved ones, and can’t wait to hear how hard you relaxed.
See y’all in 2024 ready to DESTROMINATE!!!!!!!
Yes, even the best CEOs and founders have self-doubt and worry — but they leverage these 4 truths to unleash their greatness!
Read MoreLast week, I let you in on the biggest secret (or most helpful insight???) in the entrepreneur biz.
But you’d never know.
Because the best founders and leaders have figured out how to:
And there’s more.
I’ve been behind-the-scenes with hundreds of talented, wildly successful entrepreneurs.
Here are the 4 patterns I’ve seen from the best of the best.
Yes, even the best have self-doubt and worry — but they leverage these 4 truths to unleash their greatness!
Most CEOs, founders or leaders can tell you what they’re good at (and what they’re not good at!).
It will sound like this:
They know that you don’t have to be great at everything. They are insecure about their weaknesses but leverage their strengths to the max:
EXPLORE: What are your strengths and how are you going to lean into them to build a big ass business??
Behind every great leader is…
That polished stage presence?
It may be a result of a $10k exec training and 100 hours of practice.
Many skills including things like “confidence” and “sales skills” can be cultivated and learned.
EXPLORE: How are you systematically improving? Are you using support and accountability to accelerate the process? Here’s more ideas, resources, and founder stories.
Think about your first pitch. Now think about your 50th pitch. Way better, right?
You have an important data point:
I used to suck but I practiced and now I’m much better. That means I can work on other things and get better too.
Every repetition builds on itself:
I am little more confident than last time because I’ve done this before. Because I’m more confident, I will do a little better and learn more new things that make me even better for next time.
What else have you done that you didn’t think you could?
What have you worked at?
What is easy now that took tons of effort at first?
How about…
Even if you’re early in your career, you have plenty of examples.
Whenever you feel insecure, use your life resume as a confidence boost!
EXPLORE: What is a hard thing that you’ve done? What seemed impossible when you started but you got better over time? Make a list for reference! Ask a friend or loved one if you need perspective.
It’s the cooler, more positive side of the Peter Principle.
Someone who is ambitious will always feel a little out of their league.
Because they’re pushing out of their comfort zone to grow.
The best people never want to be the smartest in the room.
It’s a recipe for personal stagnation.
But the inevitable result of intentionally not being the smartest?
You always feel not-quite-as-smart.
Self-inflicted insecurity in the pursuit of improvement and greatness!
If I want to feel fast, I can race a slow person.
If I want to be fast, I run with people faster than me and get my ass kicked daily.
And — of course — with the most hilarious life irony — the faster I get, the more I understand how slow I am!
When I am at top speed, running all out as hard as I can, it’s still 2 minutes per mile (aka 50%) slower than the fastest marathoner in the world. Yes, the best runners can run for 26.2 miles at a 4:30 minute per mile pace and my 30 second sprint might hit 6 minutes.
The better you get…the more you understand how far you have to go!
Running is an easy analogy but of course this applies to company building, technical knowledge, sales, parenting, investing, EVERYTHING!
You don’t feel insecure because you’re not good. You feel “insecure” because you want to continually improve and be challenged!
EXPLORE: How have you challenged yourself recently? What “room” did you enter knowing it would be hard but a great growth opportunity?
What are the most important insights you’ve learned about doubt, confidence, and success? What are great leaders doing that we can all learn from? Do you agree that the more you learn, the more you realize how much you don’t know?
Every founder, entrepreneur, CEO I know…at some point…when their guard is down…has shared insecurities.
Read MoreEvery founder, entrepreneur, CEO I know…at some point…when their guard is down…has alluded to the fact that they:
Don’t believe me?
Here’s a peak behind closed doors:
This is not false humility.
These are incredibly successful humans who have doubts about themselves and their accomplishments.
So what’s their secret?
How do they overcome insecurities?
Here’s the thing — they don’t overcome them.
They do it anyway.
They don’t let the fear or doubt stop them.
They do the thing —customer meeting, public speech, company launch, capital raise— with conviction and courage despite their insecurity.
They lean into their strengths, work on their weaknesses, and act with confidence even if they don’t always feel it.
Why do I share this?
If you feel insecure, it’s NOT a sign that you can’t, shouldn’t, or don’t belong.
It’s a sign that you have big ambitions and you match the profile of a typical CEO.
Everyone feels insecure, including amazing people that you respect and admire.
They are doing it anyway.
And so can you.
What would happen if you DID IT ANYWAY???
What’s more important — how your customer feels about you or what their usage tells you? It’s an age old question in customer experience. Here's the 4 quadrants and plan of attack for each!
Read MoreWhat’s more important — how your customer feels about you or what their usage tells you?
It’s an age old question in customer experience.
Here’s how I think about it:
You can then prioritize and personalize the outreach to each group.
Below, we break down the likely reasons for each type of score, the most effective action steps, and the risks for each bucket.
Understanding each situation will help you maximize time, impact, and results of customer success efforts!
**power users who love you**
These are your reference customers and Customer Advisory Board members.
They are the template for sales and marketing to identify the “Ideal Customer Profile.”
More of these please!
**Happy under-users**
They use one feature.
They’d be better off with a different tool.
You know they’re at risk but they keep telling you they’re fine!
**cry for help or too enterprise**
They’re not happy but usage is high.
Usually because they are stretching your tool to the limits.
They need enterprise features like advanced permission settings or multi-tenant management.
Or maybe they’re using your product in a hack-y way (e.g. a B2B tool for B2C company).
Or — best case — this is a cry for help. Remember, angry customers are a good sign!
They care enough to get frustrated and tell you about it.
I’ve seen low scores from:
**Very at-risk**
They’re not using and not getting value. Makes sense that their satisfaction is in the dumps.
But they did buy your product initially so someone somewhere thought it would be helpful.
Time to dig in!
In the wise words of a hilarious, long-time customer success manager:
You can bring a customer to water but you can’t make them drink.
And when they die of dehydration, they’ll blame you!
Nothing like some snarky customer humor to remind you that — customer success is a two-way street. Even the best Customer Success Manager can’t save an unwilling customer.
In a perfect world, you attack all quadrants at the same time.
But startups do not have unlimited resources (what does, really?) so we must prioritize!
Obviously, use your best judgment based on your unique company, customers, data, and situation.
And there’s a huge caveat to — LOOK AT CUSTOMER CONTRACT AMOUNT!!! This framework assumes that customers are paying about the same or that you’re segmenting first based on customer spend.
So assuming you’re accounting for different customer spend…
While your happy, high-usage customers are the priority, it’s realistic to spend 80% of time on unhappy-but-there’s-potential customers, and 20% of time on keeping your best customers happy.
What do you think is more important — customer usage data or self-reported customer satisfaction data?
What strategies are most effective? Any surprising results or effective tactics with different types of customers?
COMING SOON: Which should you start tracking first — usage metrics or customer satisfaction???
If you’re short on time, money, or both (it’s a startup after all!), here are 5 easy and **FREE** ways to show your appreciation this week — and ANY week!
Read MoreHappy (American) Thanksgiving Week!
A great time for me to join the thousands (millions???) of people writing about gratitude.
We’ve shared holiday gift ideas for employees and customers (including free and remote friendly options) before.
Here are fresh, new, hot-from-the-Thanksgiving-oven ideas to show love to your team — whether “team” is employees, family, mentors, friends, or all of the above!
If you’re short on time, money, or both (it’s a startup after all!), here are 5 easy and **FREE** ways to show your appreciation this week — and ANY week!
For an employee, maybe it’s an intro to mentor or someone in a similar role at another startup. (Also a great way for male leaders to support women!)
For a fellow entrepreneur, a future client.
Investors love intros to founders. (too obvious?? 😜)
Make sure the intro is to someone you personally like and think is awesome!
Bonus points if the intro-ees have a shared interest outside of work.
I never don’t have a good conversation with a fellow running nerd. 🤓
No one ever said no to a thoughtful LinkedIn rec!
A sentence or two does the job.
Being proactive (before they ask you) with an employee, customer, or vendor is an incredible move.
Make sure it’s positive without hyperbole. It was SO awkward when I had to remove my glowing review of Sam Bankman-Fried. 😂😂😂
Even the shyest folks occasionally appreciate a big ole public shout out!
Do it via Slack, a team meeting, or the socials — whatever works with your style and company.
Tie it to a specific project or memorable moment.
Give details on how the person’s strengths or effort impacted the outcome.
The specifics are what make it engaging and special!
Nothing says, “I appreciate you” like putting someone’s head on a superhero body.
I’m not even joking!
One of my favorite Rigor moments was when Francis Cordón took a screenshot from a morning check-in and Billy Hoffman turned it into a Slack emoji called the “Kathrynator.”
(A lot of people wear sunglasses to meetings, right?)
THANK YOU, FRANCIS AND BILLY!!! Here is your public shout out!! (See Tip #3)
If you are good at video or use AdPipe, you can up the ante with a fun clip.
Just remember to make it an unequivocally-positive-meme not a possibly-passive-aggressive-snarky-meme!
Yes, saying thank you or what you appreciate directly to someone is great.
You know what’s even better?
Sharing something positive that was said about them when they weren’t in the room!
Because there’s no doubt that it was sincere.
And even the most confident folks wonder how they’re perceived.
We made this a “thing” at Rigor when we realized that we rarely gave direct compliments but often sung someone’s praises to others.
We started sharing “behind-the-back” compliments regularly and it was so well received that I continue to do it today.
Certain roles — especially CEOs and founders, but also support reps, engineers, anyone in leadership — hear lots of constructive feedback or grievances without much positive in the mix.
If you hear something good, share it!
What are your favorite simple, no-cost ways to show gratitude???
What is perceived as “confidence” can be learned and deliberately cultivated. Here are my favorite tips on how to project confidence — regardless of how you feel inside.
Read MoreLast week, we talked about how to communicate confidently as a peer, especially in a 1-on-1 or small group setting.
All those people that seem so confident? On stage, in meetings, at events, or beyond?
They probably get nervous, need a pep talk, or struggle with insecurities too!
BUT — like all successful humans, they’re following the age-old wisdom my mom (and maybe yours too?) shared before my first job interview:
“Dress up, talk big, act smart.”
That’s how I got the job and you can too! Fake it ‘til you make it, baby!!!
(I’m only kind of joking: fake it ‘til you make it is a real strategy that the best leaders use.)
A lot of what is perceived as “confidence” can be learned and deliberately cultivated.
I took an amazing executive presence workshop from Speakeasy almost 10 years ago and I still use the lessons today.
If you have a few thousand dollars laying around, do the workshop! It was game-changing.
If you don’t (and you missed Karen Houghton’s awesome Women + Tech session last month), here are my favorite tips on how to project confidence — regardless of how you feel inside.
I sound like your mom. BECAUSE SHE WAS RIGHT.
No one can see the thoughts in your brain. But they can see how you carry yourself.
Sit up straight in meetings, stand tall when you’re meeting people.
It’s not fair but there’s a bias towards tall people in business.
Good posture (and Zoom) close the gap!
Plus, standing up straight projects energy, makes it easier to speak clearly, and is good for core strength.
Boom! Snuck in a healthy habit. 😉
Guilty as charged. 🙋♀️
I bite my nails, twist in my chair, play with my hair, tap my foot, compulsively sip on tea, click my pen…allllll the things.
But if I am on stage or in an important meeting, I am still.
Movement makes you seem nervous.
Don’t believe me?
Record yourself sitting in a chair tapping your foot or flipping your hair. Say your company’s elevator pitch while doing it.
Same thing but sit still (with good posture!).
Which self appears more calm and confident?
This one feels SO AWKWARD but it projects tons of confidence when you see it on someone else.
I didn’t believe it until I saw a video recording of myself. Crossing arms looks afraid or small. Open arms exudes that confident boss energy!
When you sit at a conference table, don’t cross your arms on your chest or fold your hands in front of you.
Keep your arms open, forearms on the table, like you’re at a dinner party with a plate in front of you.
If you’ve ever taken professional headshots, they’ll say to put your hand in your pocket with a thumb out. The dumbest pose ever…THAT LOOKS AMAZING IN A PHOTO.
Same thing here.
Keep your arms open when on stage, talking at a party, or sitting in a chair.
Here’s an example from a fireside chat I moderated. I was nervous but good posture and open arms read as “relaxed.”
Especially if you’re going to be on stage, make sure your hair is pulled back in some way! (See photo above^^)
You don’t want your face shadowed or have it look like you’re hiding behind your hair.
Plus the audience is probably going to be at different angles around you, not only directly in front of you.
You want them to be able to see your face, expression, and mouth clearly.
I didn’t believe it until I saw it on video and then I started to notice it everywhere.
Look at the difference between Hair-Off-The-Face Adam Neumann and Flowy-Locks Adam Neumann.
Okay, he looks kind of a mess in both photos but the wild(er) hair is distracting. Get that man some product and a pony tail holder!
Dress in a way that makes you feel awesome. Think: comfortable, powerful, appropriate.
(I realize the irony of this with Adam Nuemann in a rainbow t-shirt right above. But look what happened to WeWork. Too many t-shirts!)
What you wear is another non-verbal way to project confidence and professionalism.
You can do this by wearing clothes that are appropriate for the setting and fit well. No fidgeting (#2) also applies to tugging on a skirt or fiddling with a watch or button!
If budget is tight, it’s hard to go wrong with a classic item like a black dress, white blouse and black pants, or button down and chinos.
Better to have 1 or 2 nice outfits worn over and over than let your clothes be a distraction or detractor. As long as the clothes are reasonable, no one will notice or care.
Personally, I’m not much of a fashionista (LOL, obvious if you know me) so I tend to follow a “minimum-viable-outfit” methodology. I’ve also gotten more casual over time.
When I was younger in my career, I dressed up more and followed principles like:
“Dress for the job you want not the job you have.”
“Dress up one degree more than the customer.”
”Dress professionally so you’ll be taken seriously.”
When I was in my 20s working with older execs, I selected outfits carefully.
Now that I’m a grizzled old tech veteran, I’m mostly jeans and sneakers.
Partly to show that I’m still cool (is it working?? 🤓) and partly because my knees are old and can’t handle heels (retracting that “still cool” statement…).
Don’t know what to wear?
Hire my stylist friend Liz (send me a note and I’ll connect you - she helped me dress after a pandemic + 2 babies), check out Fashivly, or wear a black turtleneck a la Steve Jobs and Elizabeth Holmes.
Seriously though, I dig “uniforms” and know many founders who have one.
If you’re into fashion, it’s a great tool for being memorable and making a statement. Leverage it!
I know a sales rep who deliberately wears colorful, eye-catching outfits at conferences (“Oh, you mean the woman in the bright blue dress?”) and founders who dress to match their brand colors.
Need inspo? Check out Tami McQueen and her amazing velvet suit or her orange suit with sneaks!
Smart people talk fast. So do nervous people. So do people who haven’t planned well and are rushing.
Talking slowly — again, somewhat counterintuitively — increases the perception of how confident you are.
At the very least, people are better able to understand and digest what you’re saying.
It also forces you to chose words carefully.
Have a timed pitch or short meeting window?
It’s 10x better to say less slowly, than to rush but “get it all in.”
Confidence is contagious. It’s a key ingredient to building a successful business.
You don’t need to feel confident every moment of the day (or even often) to be seen as a strong, capable leader.
Confidence — or the perception of it — can be cultivated.
Use these tips to project confidence even when you’re doing something new or feeling insecure!
Put your best foot forward and let the focus be where it belongs — on your vision and business. 🚀
What is your best tip for projecting confidence? Have you used one of these before? How did it work?
Assert yourself as a valuable and equal counterpart with these 3 strategies!
Read MoreHas this ever happened to you…?
You have a meeting set up with someone quite a bit older than you.
You’re in the same industry, maybe even the same role. Or maybe it’s a current customer or prospective client.
They might have more experience than you (see: older) but not always.
During the meeting, you listen and nod attentively.
It’s good manners, you don’t want to interrupt, people love an attentive listener, you want to make a positive impression.
It’s a little tiresome. They are droning on. Giving you advice you didn’t ask for. They interpret your polite question as encouragement and continue the soliloquy.
Meeting concludes and the power dynamic is established:
How can you be seen as a peer instead?
(Note: if you are looking for a mentor, great. But if you’re trying to network, earn business, or build credibility, this is terrible!)
I have had this experience many times over the years.
Being a young customer success manager with older clients, being a young startup leader with older F500 executives, being a young(ish) investor with older investors.
The mentor/mentee pattern didn’t seem to happen to my male counterparts though — even when meeting with someone older or more experienced.
What was going on??????
I paid attention to the differences in my interactions, when I felt a power differential most, and when I felt like I had earned respect as a peer regardless of age.
I FINALLY figured it out. It was within my control.
Here’s what I learned that changed how I showed up in the world:
To be seen as a peer, you must TREAT OTHERS AS A PEER.
How do you talk to someone who is your “equal” — a friend, a peer, a co-worker?
You banter back and forth, add your thoughts, and keep it casual yet respectful.
No fawning, polite listening, or catering to egos.
Peers do things like:
In the wise words of Shannan Monson, “I never fangirl.”
THIS is how you get taken seriously whether you’re a woman, young person, first-time founder, new-to-tech, or whatever characteristic makes you think you’re not on the same level as someone.
Assert yourself as a valuable and equal counterpart with these 3 strategies!
Absolutely the most important way to establish your credibility.
If you’re waiting for someone to ask you a question or get your thoughts, you might be waiting a long time. 😂
Especially if you’re a good listener.
Deliberately turn the conversation (monologue?) into a two-way street!
Chime in and add value:
Think about a conversation with a friend or colleague. You trade stories, build on points, go back and forth! Recreate this dynamic.
Use improv comedy’s “Yes and” format!
“Yes, and that’s exactly what we’ve been hearing from customers. In fact, last week, one of the F500 companies we work with said, blah blah blah…”
“Yes, and the article from Wall Street Journal had additional data on that. Did you see their reporting on a 25% increase in seed funding in Q3?”
Never fangirl (or fanboy!) if you want to be seen as an equal.
And I say this as someone who is naturally overly enthusiastic!!!!!!!!!!!
Figure out how to be positive and be your best self without gushing.
I intentionally tone it down — especially in a first time meeting with someone established, senior in their role, etc.
(NOTE: This is wildly different than when I meet with founders where I’m trying to make everyone feel comfortable, relaxed, and open!)
Language matters. Pick the words of a peer.
SAY THIS: “I’ve been looking forward to connecting.”
NOT THAT: “I’m so excited to meet you!!!!! It’s amazing that you did xyz and I love xyz. OMG!!!!!!”
SAY THIS: “Thanks for taking the time.”
NOT THAT: “Thank you soooo much for meeting with me. I know how busy you are!!! I really appreciate it.”
To be clear.
But rather — understand how your language and actions will be perceived!
Adjust your language and actions to meet your goals.
If you meet Beyoncé, FANGIRL!!!!!!!!!
If you meet an investor, get them off that pedestal and treat them like a respected peer.
Asking questions is a great strategy, especially if you’re feeling unsure about the topic at hand.
With the right technique, you can do this as a peer rather than an uneducated newbie.
Think about how you’d ask a question to a co-worker or a friend. Casual, off-hand, with an “Oh hey — how did that thing go?” vibe.
Step one, channel that tone.
Step two, avoid disclaimers or qualifiers!
Would a peer say something like?
Plus — 99% of the time, you know more than you think.
STFU, Imposter Syndrome!!!!!!!
Ask the question straight up. Casual. No disclaimers.
For bonus credibility, include a lead-in that shows you know a thing or two.
Here are examples of educated, peer-to-peer questions.
“How are you all thinking about <this trend, concept, challenge>?”
“I know a lot of companies are doing xyz right now. What’s your strategy?”
“We’re seeing xyz. What are you seeing on your end?”
“What did you think of <news event>?”
“What the backstory on that?”
“Oh, interesting. What do you think about xyz?”
It took me 15 years to figure this out.
(I love endurance events after all…😂)
You can do it WAY faster!
Share these credibility cheat codes with someone coming up in the world or keep them in mind for yourself.
Or send the tl;dr:
Never fangirl!
What helps you establish credibility quickly? What qualities stand out in a peer-to-peer interaction vs a big-dog-to-newbie one?
Here are 3 must-have onboarding components (including a customizable template) to make life easier and ramp new team members as quickly as possible!
Read MoreYou finally found that amazing hire!! Yay!
Or maybe — your hiring pace is picking up.
You have several folks starting soon (on the same day, I hope??) 🙌 🙌
We’ve already discussed some of the keys to scale your hiring:
(**although I’m very intrigued by eWebinar - has anyone tried it for employee onboarding?)
What are some specific, tactical strategies to have a great employee onboarding experience for your 1st hire or 100th hire?
Here are 3 must-have onboarding components to make life easier and ramp new team members as quickly as possible!
Before you get super fancy with a software (although I do like Rippling when you’re ready), start with a good ole fashioned spreadsheet.
I love an onboarding spreadsheet checklist because new hires are empowered on Day 1!
✅ Onboarding Checklist Template HERE.
📒 Full list of templates and resources HERE.
Best of all — you can start this with your VERY FIRST HIRE!
Using Slack or (gasp) Microsoft Teams, direct questions into a group chat.
Whatever group makes sense depending on company size.
Group chat is ESPECIALLY valuable if you have multiple people starting in the same role, e.g. SDRs or support reps, since they’ll have a lot of the same questions.
One of my favorite onboarding things we did at Rigor was live sessions with each department head.
Presentations are 20-30 minutes max, then live Q&A for a total time of 45-60 minutes.
The department head will do this presentation 1-2x/mo max (assuming you’re doing same day start) even if you’re hiring like crazy!
Have a new hire set up 1:1 meetings with everyone in the company (as part of their Onboarding Checklist!) or small group meetings if there’s multiple hires or mini departments.
During this session, they can ask questions about the person’s role, vision, how they like to work, learnings from customers, what is success in their role, etc.
The touchpoint, business info, and relationship-building early on is key to the long term impact and success of a new hire!
It’s not you, it’s me…the nature of learning a new thing!
No human can never learn everything at once, no matter how amazing the training.
This is why it’s good to remind a new hire about the 4 stages to expect after joining at startup.
Plus, if you’re growing quickly, your onboarding will be out of date as soon as it’s done. 😂
The good news is — when you hire great people, they’ll have lots of ideas on how to improve the onboarding.
Let ‘em at it!
Recent hires will have the best insights and, in no time at all, they’ll be the ones leading the onboarding!
What have you seen work well for onboarding? Any other tips or tricks for onboarding new startup hires?
I’ve spent decades researching (and field testing) the healthiest out-and-about meal options. I’ve further stress-tested in recent years with small children. Here are 5 BEST healthy fast food options for founders—and families—on the go!
Read MoreI’m into healthy habits.
As you might have guessed from these previous posts 😂
Healthy habits are especially important when you’re doing something hard like building a company!
You need your wits about you and your broccoli in hand.
But what do you do when you’re super busy?
Or — gasp — on the road?
Never fear, O’Daily friends.
I’ve spent decades researching (and field testing) the healthiest out-and-about meal options.
I’ve further stress-tested my healthy food picks in recent years with small children. These healthy, fast restaurants are FAMILY APPROVED!
Here are 5 BEST healthy fast food options for founders—and families—on the go!
Here’s our criteria for the 2023 O’Daily Healthy Fast Food rankings.
Defined as: fresh vegetables, lean proteins including a non-meat option, whole grains, minimally processed.
Even a veggie lover like myself can’t just eat a head of raw broccoli and call it a meal. Must be reasonably acceptable to the palate of healthy adults and whiny children.
Yes, a hole-in-the-wall health food restaurant is ideal but you’ll never find one:
We went for “reasonably mainstream” options.
If there’s fries anywhere in the vicinity, it can’t be a healthy family meal.
Why not, ask the readers without children. (The same question I would have had just a few years ago…)
Fun Fact: if you bring your kid within 100 yards of a French fry, their fry-dar immediately activates. They turn into raving, groveling, pleading fry babies. Even the strongest parents cannot withstand the onslaught of a monstronous Fry-kenstein!
Thus Farm Burger (see below) is a strong honorable mention for their amazing salads and high quality food, but the “Fry Factor” knocked it out of the top 5.
If you suggest Sweetgreen for lunch, we are friends forever.
Even if I’m not hungry, I will probably say yes because I love Sweetgreen.
Sweetgreen also has bowls and enough “fun foods” (aka cheese and dressings) that kids will eat it too.
The amount of *ACTUAL* fresh veggies and whole grains at Sweetgreens is incredible.
I’ve done a deep dive on Sweetgreen as a public company (coming soon to an O’Daily near you!) — because if I’m going to read an S-1, I want it to be about vegetables — and it’s impressive how they’ve been able to deliver such a healthy option at scale.
What I Order: LONG LIVE the Shroomami!
Incredibly strong contender. Not as unconditionally healthy as Sweetgreen but the kid-friendly factor is higher (thanks to that soft, white pita bread…).
You can get a salad base, protein, lots of veggies on top, and some hummus for extra healthy fat, protein, and flavor. BOOM. Brain-power-to-go!
Even with kids, they can get a lot of fun (read: pickled or with-dressing) veggies on top of a whole grain.
My kids love falafel (which they confusingly and adorably call “waffle”) because they are fried patties that you dip into sauces. YUM.
I love the make-your-own-bowl style of both Sweetgreen and Cava. Makes it possible for health nerds, vegans, paleos, ketos, gluten-freers, and general-no-label-required eaters on your team to all grab a meal together!
What I Order:
At $300 per lb, the Whole Foods Salad Bar is a bit pricey but if you go heavy on the lettuce and light on the sweet potatoes, you can control the costs!
Okay, that’s not really the price but my kids make sure to get all the heaviest foods and we end up at about $15-20 per person.
Lots of great fresh fruits and salad fixin’s, well-labeled options for every dietary preference, high quality ingredients, and you control the “healthy” factor.
Parent Protip:
What I Order:
Ironman Fun Fact:
A surprising one but hear me out.
There’s over 15,000 Starbucks in the US. If you can’t find a Cava, Wholefoods, or Sweetgreen, the odds of finding a Starbucks are likely to quite-likely.
It’s a relatively predictable menu with good portion sizes and better quality ingredients than typical fast food.
They often have fresh apples, bananas, or fun local items.
If you’re on the West Coast, they may even have salads or a grain/bean/veggie bowl!
No fries. 😂
BEWARE of cupcakes and milkshakes though. Er, I mean, blueberry muffins and flavored coffee drinks. 🙃
The downside of Starbucks is allllll that suggggaaaarrrrrrr.
What I Order:
As we move down the list, we’re going from “most-healthy” to “most-likely-to-be-available-and-pretty-healthy-if-you-choose-correctly.”
A Publix deli sub on whole wheat bread with hummus, avocado, lettuce, tomato, peppers, onions, and spinach is a pretty decent pick.
If hummus isn’t your thing, cheese is a good next option.
Avoid the deli meats (sorry, I know they are delicious but the World Health Organization classified them as cancer-causing in 2015) or at least get a low salt/organic/higher quality option like Boar’s Head.
Grilled or baked chicken, in theory, is better than deli meats. I haven’t specifically researched Publix’s Baked Chicken Tender sandwich though. Pub-Sub Baked Chicken Tender Nutrition Experts, please weigh in!
You can always get extra weird healthy by ordering a veggie sandwich, buying a whole roast chicken (also found in the deli), and adding roast chicken to your sandwich.
After it takes 45 minutes to make 4 sandwiches (just at our Publix?), feel free to shop around for healthy snacks to round out your meal.
Grab a bag of grapes, a container of berries, clementines, raw almonds, cherry tomatoes, or a jumbo sized bag of Cheetos baby carrots, and you’ve got a healthy family meal on the go!
What I Order:
Analyzing some go-to options and why they didn’t make the “healthy” list.
Their salads are incredible! They source from local farms! They have a vegan veggie burger with quinoa! They have sliced apples and carrots with sunflower butter in the kids meal!
It’s my go-to lunch spot (hi kale salad!!!) and a pretty solid healthy family place.
The only reason it’s not on the list? Those dang (delicious) fries.
But my kids eat apples and carrots with their begged-for fries so…
Farm Burger gets a strong honorable mention!
Love the tofu and beans!
They have guac, salsa, and pico de gallo — all good options.
But other than soggy romaine lettuce, where are all the veggies??
They did recently add “Supergreens” which looks promising but they could do much more! Shredded cabbage, fresh (not overcooked) peppers, cauliflower, radish, spinach, cilantro, corn, broccoli, or green onions would be amazing.
Add brown rice and a whole wheat tortilla option and it’s in the top 5.
Their market cap is $50B so I appear to be in the minority on this feedback. 😂
Atlanta is home to this fast-food powerhouse and people LOVE IT.
I haven’t been in long time so I looked up the menu to see if it should be in the running.
First 3 Menu Items:
I feel okay leaving them off. 😂
They do have a good looking kale salad and fruit cup. But also french fries, fried chicken, desserts, and no non-meat protein options (though they did try a fried cauliflower sandwich recently).
To the Chick-fi-natics who hate me right now: I’M NOT SAYING IT’S NOT DELICIOUS. I’m just saying it’s not a top 5 healthiest fast food pick. You can still eat there for goodness sakes. (Just not on Sunday!)
What are your best healthy fast food tips?? Any great spots that I left off? Where do you like to eat when you’re on the road or in a hurry? What healthy meals do your kids like?
PLUS: Atlanta-specific job boards, events, and company lists
Read MoreThinking about making a move or looking for your next role?
Do friends want your advice on how to find startup jobs?
(Save yourself an email and share this post instead 😂)
I often get asked about “good companies” or “open positions” in the Atlanta tech scene or beyond.
There’s so many considerations:
And that doesn’t even get into things like company culture, tech stack, and the current skill set of the team or department!
It can be overwhelming. (Or underwhelming if your scope is too narrow - ha!)
There are TONS of great companies looking for great folks — yes, even in “this market.”
Here are my best resources and insider advice for tech job hunters, especially in Atlanta.
Find that dream job. The next unicorn needs you!
Shoutout to the brilliant Erin Wilson for this one!
It’s going to sound painfully obvious but was not on my radar until Erin suggested it…
Search for companies that have recently raised money.
Crunchbase and Pitchbook are two popular tools. (Crunchbase has a free trial.)
If a company has raised recently (e.g. within the last year), they are more likely to:
You can search by industry, geography, or stage.
Company size and stage is key.
To some people, a “startup” is 200-500 employees. To others, it’s <20. That’s a wide range and requires very different searches.
If you’re looking for a CFO role, it’s not going to be at a pre-rev, 10 person startup.
But a Series A, B, or C company? They might be a great fit depending on your experience and their needs.
The days of startup roles being posted on Craig’s List are long gone. 😂
Some startups will have recruiters, especially later stage ones or those with lots of capital.
If you want to get in early or you’re laser-focused on Atlanta startups, here are some great job boards to check out:
We can’t not say it. Gotta get out there and meet some folks.
Humans, after all, are the driving force behind startups.
But it doesn’t have to suck!
Need something even easier?
Try following some influential tech ATLiens to see who and what they’re talking about:
And, OF COURSE, subscribe to the O’Daily and come hang with me on LinkedIn if you haven’t already 😉😉😉
There’s two important types of awards:
Start with the award winners, nominees, previous winners, and work backwards to see if:
Wondering why that last one is so important?? 👇👇
Official definition (that I just made up) of a warm intro:
Find someone who works at the company that can pass your resume to HR.
Even better if you can ask a few questions or do an informational interview with them.
Why Warm Intros Matter So Much:
Do you have to get a warm intro? No. Startups hire lots of great folks without a warm intro. But those candidates almost always have near-perfect experience.
For example, if you’re a liberal arts Spanish major who previously worked at a boarding school, it might be best to get a warm intro so you can explain how your fundraising experience applies to software…
Hypothetically speaking, of course…
That definitely wasn’t my true Pardot story. 😉
Need more info on how to get a warm intro if you’re new to the startup world? Reply to let me know if you’d like a follow up post on this or any other topic!
The absolute BIGGEST MISTAKE people make with startups is assuming that the roles posted on the website are the only roles.
Here’s the thing:
Startups are busy and often behind!
Also, startups make opportunistic hires all the time.
Now, I’m not saying this will happen all the time or even often.
But it will happen ZERO TIMES if you don’t reach out because there’s no “open role for you on the website.”
You can simply send an email/apply, introduce yourself, acknowledge that there’s no current roles that seem to be a fit, see if there’s anything coming open soon and/or that you’d love to stay in touch for future possibilities.
Startups move fast.
Sometimes roles not on the radar last month are the #1 priority this month.
Someone on my team said she wanted to work overseas. This seemed very far off at the time for our 100 person, Atlanta-based company. Fast forward a year, we had been acquired by a F500 and she was heading to Europe to launch a team there!
Ways To Stay Close (After Your Warm Intro, Of Course):
Basically all the same common sense things as getting to know a VC or how to network without being weird!
Finding an awesome tech job takes time.
With the right strategies and tools, you can shorten the search and focus on the best companies and roles for you!
How did you find your dream tech job?
What other resources or tips do you recommend?
Any other ATL tech influencers or job boards to include??
Have a job-hunting friend? Share this post!
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